Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow.
Classical Music
Last Saturday I sang the new year cantatas from Johann Sebastian Bach’s Christmas Oratorio near Rotterdam and this event marked the start of a period of cold weather.
let it snow
On my way back to Germany it was already starting to snow. At home, everything was covered with a thin layer of snow. Yesterday the sun was shining but temperatures didn’t rise above 0⁰ C (32⁰F). In shady parts of the garden, leaves were still covered with powdery snow. I strolled through the Tank Garden to see the evergreen shrubs and plants. The white outline, especially on the fronts of ferns, emphasizes its texture and form. This spectacle lasts only for a short period of time. When the sun rises and the temperature is rising it melt away rapidly.

Clockwise: Mahonia japonica, Rhododendron ferrugineum, Dryopteris affinis and Viburnum davidii.
Photographs by Frank Fritschy
The plant lovers’ guide to Ferns
Ferns are growing in popularity among gardeners and it is nice to see that Timber Press released a plant lovers guide of 256 pages on this most overlooked and underutilized class of perennial garden plants. Sue Olsen and Richie Steffen focus not only on designing with this versatile plant but also on combining them with other perennials. This volume is comprehensive and well illustrated.
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